Executive Board

Danny Navarrette
The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board and shall
be an ex officio member of all committees. The President shall appoint such committees as may be provided
for in this Constitution and By-Laws and/or authorized by the Association. The President shall enforce strict
observance of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association and shall have general supervision of the
activities of the other officers.
The President shall discharge on behalf of the Association such duties as may be imposed by applicable law
including the execution and filing of any response to Federal and State authorities and shall cause to be
maintained by the Association such records as the law requires to be kept in support of response filed by it.
The President shall be the voting designee for Local 2274 at the IAFF convention.

1st Vice President
Daniel Carson
The 1st Vice-President shall assist the President in such a manner as the President may
determine. In the absence of the President, the 1st Vice-President shall preside at meetings of the
Association and the Executive Board. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the 1st Vice-president
shall be the acting President until the office of the President is filled by a vote of the Association body. The
1st Vice-President shall preside over the PAC committee and is responsible for all association political
action. The 1 st Vice-President shall be the voting designee for Local 2274 at the IAFF convention if the
President is unable to attend.

2nd Vice President
Tyler Shook
The 2nd Vice-President shall assist the President in such a manner as the President may
determine. In the absence of the President and 1st Vice-president, the 2nd Vice-President shall preside at
meetings of the Association and the Executive Board. If the office of the President and 1st Vice-President
becomes vacant the 2nd Vice-President shall be the acting President until the office of the President is filled
by a vote of by the Association body. The 2nd Vice-President shall be responsible for all operational
responsibilities within the association. The 2 nd Vice-President shall be the voting designee for Local 2274 at
the IAFF convention if the President and 1 st Vice-President are unable to attend.

Phil Laffin
The Secretary shall have custody of all documents, books, records and papers belonging to the
Association. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Association and of the
Executive Board. The Secretary shall attest all official documents with his/her
signature and the seal of the Association. The Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the association
in a prompt manner. The Secretary shall maintain the official list of members in good standing which shall
be kept accurately and on a current basis. The Secretary shall discharge on behalf of the Association such
duties as may be imposed by applicable law including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal and
State authorities and shall cause to be maintained by the Association such records as the law requires to be
kept in support of records filed by it.

Michael McCuistion
The Treasurer shall receive all money due the Association from whatsoever source and shall
disperse same only by voucher signed by the officer in charge in conformity with a vote of the Association.
Such disbursement shall be by check. In the absence of the Treasurer, checks may be disbursed by the
officer in charge. The Treasurer shall maintain and keep a current record of members with their due’s
payments, assessments and all financial transactions promptly and accurately entered. The Treasurer shall
be prepared to exhibit receipts and vouchers upon audit of the books.

The Steward shall be advised of all grievances and shall act as a representative for the employee
in conformance with the grievances. He/she shall act as a liaison between the Association officers and
membership and should be a member of any committee having to do with working conditions, hours or pay.

Dave Chen
The Trustee ensures that the executive board’s actions and decisions are in line with the
Association’s by laws. Trustee maintains order at all meetings. The Trustee is the Association’s liaison for the
revision of the Association’s Constitution and By-laws and also assist as a liaison for benefit programs as
directed by the union President.

Engineer Rank Rep.
George Hardeman
The Engineer Rank Representee shall assist the President in such a manner as the President may
determine and will be a conduit between the Engineers on the floor and this Executive Board. The Engineer
Rank Representative will be an adjunct position on this Executive Board and will be voted on solely by
Engineers who are in good standing. They will be responsible for establishing and maintaining lines of
communication with the Engineers on the floor that will aid in decisions finalized by the 7 principle
Executive Board members. The Engineer Rank Representative will oversee the maintenance and cleaning of
the apparatuses owned by this Association. Engineer Rank Representative will also maintain the Union BBQ

Firefighter Rank Rep.
Carlos Navas
The Firefighter Rank Representee shall assist the President in such a manner as the President may
determine and will be a conduit between the Firefighters on the floor and this Executive Board. The
Firefighter Rank Representative will be an adjunct position on this Executive Board and will be voted on
solely by Firefighters who are in good standing. They will be responsible for establishing and maintaining
lines of communication with the Firefighters on the floor that will aid in decisions finalized by the 7 principle
Executive Board members. The Firefighter Rank Representative will also oversee the maintenance and
cleaning of the Union Hall.
Join our Executive Board
Are you interested in serving on our Executive Board? The following positions make up our "E-Board": President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Trustee, Engineer Rank Rep., Firefighter Rank Rep. Each position serves for a term of 2 years. The process to join our Executive Board is as follows: When elections open, you must be in good standing with the IAFF and RCFA - IAFF Local 2274, you can either be nominated by someone or nominate yourself in an open forum. After the nomination window closes the Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters' Association - IAFF Local 2274 membership casts their vote. Result are made public 14 days after the election process is opened. If you have any questions please reach out to your current Executive Board. Thank you for your interest to serve on our Executive Board.