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Miguel Cervantes

Gone But Not Forgotten

RCFA - IAFF Local 2274:

Executive Board 1st Vice President

Rancho Cucamonga Fire District:

Last Alarm:

February 8, 2023

Survived by:

His wife Cylina and their three children

On February 8, 2023, our brother Miguel Cervantes passed away after fighting a courageous battle against work-related non-Hodgkin’s Follicular Lymphoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system. Miguel was diagnosed with the job-related illness on June 28, 2022. He is survived by his wife Cylina and their three children. 


Miguel will be remembered as a compassionate, kind-hearted, and devoted individual in all things that he touched. As a 22 year veteran of the Fire Service, Miguel promoted to the position of Engineer, and served on the Rancho Cucamonga Fire District Honor Guard, Technical Rescue Team, and as a Recruit Academy Instructor in multiple disciplines.


The Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters’ Association - IAFF Local 2274 was fortunate to have Miguel serve as a labor leader from 2015 to the time of his passing. He began his Executive Board career as an Engineer Rank Representative, elected to Secretary in 2019, and to 1st Vice President in 2022. His commitment to ensuring that the members of RCFA - IAFF Local 2274 were taken care of was displayed by his actions of selflessness, sacrifice, and empathy to all situations that were brought before him. Miguel always made an effort to become educated in labor leadership/administration, and shared his wisdom with others effortlessly. The Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters’ Association - IAFF Local 2274 will deeply miss our brother Miguel, and will continue to model our four pillars: INFORM, EDUCATE, INSPIRE, UNIFY as he did.

On behalf of the Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters' Association - IAFF Local 2274, we thank you for your condolences and support for the Cervantes Family.


In Solidarity,

Daniel J. Navarrette, President

Rancho Cucamonga Firefighters’ Association - IAFF Local 2274

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